Thank you to Peter Francis auction house for the donations of unsold lots. We are very grateful for their support. Find out more at www.peterfrancis.co.uk.
Thank you to Alex and team from Merlin Property Maintenance who donate to us lots of wonderful books and items from their house clearances. We are very grateful for their support.
Find out more at www.houseclearancecarmarthen.com

We absolutely love the wonderful murals painted on the front walls of our building. These bright and welcoming characters were painted by Vora Designs. Jess is a customer of ours and donated her time to paint the murals to say thank you for the work we do. You can see more of her work at voradesigns.co.uk and at facebook.com/vora.designs

We work with Tools for Self Reliance Wales as a collection point for tools and have done for many years. They take donated tools send them to their workshop in Tanzania where they are repaired and reconditioned for use by local families and artisans. In addition, they sell tools in the UK to raise funds for this work to improve the living conditions of families and artisans by giving them the tools they need. Find out more at tfsrcymru.org.uk

We are very proud to be able to work with local organisations like Coleg Sir Gâr. We are the grateful recipients of donated items such as shelving and stock, which has made a massive and very welcome difference to our organisation. Find out more about Coleg Sir Gâr at colegsirgar.ac.uk